Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Work When I'm Brain Dead

I've been working on textures alot lately. Mostly the mundane type that I need to do anyhow, but sometimes I like to get artistic.

I'll cruise through or tour the design pages online and just be left sort of.. "in a mind coma". That's when I'll settle in and fiddle around in GIMP. I was a Photoshop girl for years but honestly I really can't afford to upgrade and some months ago I began to play around with GIMP. Now that I've gotten the hang of it I can honestly say that I like it better. I really have no idea if that is because it IS better or because I've actually gotten better at it. :) You decide, but either way this is a sample of some of the things I like to do in the dead of the night to express myself.

More soon! Drop a line and let me know if you're reading my tiny, silly, random blog. You'll brighten my day (or night:) a little bit!

- Jessanne

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